CBD oil 5% for medium dogs -10ml duck aroma
Looking for a natural way to support the health and well-being of your four-legged friend? Try KUKO's CBD oil!
4 reasons why you should choose KUKO CBD oil:
🐾 100% safe for dogs.
🐾 Contains 5% CBD - the optimal concentration for medium-sized dogs.
🐾 Enriched with duck flavor that pets love.
🐾 Easy to dispense - fitted dispensing pump.
Recommended use:
🐾 2 mg CBD/kg body weight per day.
🐾 1 pump = 8 mg CBD.
Kompleksowa ochrona
Naturalne produkty
Polska marka
About CBD oil
CBD oil is a natural dietary supplement derived from hemp seed, rich in valuable phytonutrients (natural chemicals found in plants) that promote well-being and health. The most important of these are cannabinoids.
Cannabinoids are chemicals found naturally in cannabis that affect the animal's endocannabinoid system. They are key to maintaining balance and harmony in the body, positively affecting aspects such as:
- sleep
- appetite
- immunity and
- also pain perception
Take care of your companion's health - he deserves it
Anxiety and stress
CBD helps keep dogs calm in stressful situations, such as vet visits, travel, loud noises or fireworks. It can also reduce separation anxiety in dogs.
Reduced appetite
CBD oil is ideal for pets that have a decreased appetite due to illness, stress or other factors. It can help them regain a healthy weight and strength.
Pain and inflammation
CBD promotes pain relief, especially for age-related problems such as arthritis. It can also reduce inflammation in the body.
Sleep problems
CBD oil helps achieve a restful and healthy sleep, which is important for the body's recovery and the overall well-being of the pet.
Why will you and your companion love our product?
Your pet will love our product for:
✔️ Delicious duck taste
✔️ Relaxing and calming effect
✔️ Support in maintaining body balance
✔️ Help with inflammation and pain
✔️ Support in maintaining healthy skin and coat
You will love our product for:
👉 Ease of dosing - the pump makes it easy to measure the dose precisely
👉 Natural origin - the oil is free of artificial additives
👉 Polish and safe product
👉 Not intoxicating or addictive
Fall in love with KUKO together!
Order CBD oil from KUKO by Yango today and see how it can improve your four-legged friend's quality of life.
1 Information for health care professionals. Cannabis (marijuana, marijuana) and the cannabinoids. Dried or fresh plant and oil administration by ingestion or other means Psychoactive agent. Goverment of Canada, 2018.
2 Samara E., Bialer M., Mechoulam R.: Pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol in dogs. Drug metabolism and disposition, 1988, 16 (3), 469-472.
3 Gamble L.J., Boesch J.M., Frye C.W., Schwark W.S., Mann S., Wolfe L., Brown H., Berthelsen E.S., Wakshlag J.J.: Pharmacokinetics, safety, and clinical efficacy of cannabidiol treatment in osteoarthritic dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2018, 5, 1-9.
4 Bartner L.R., McGrath S., Rao S., Hyatt L.K., Wittenburg L.A. Pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol administered by 3 delivery methods at 2 different dosages to healthy dogs. The Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 2018, 82, 178-183.
5 Silveira J.W., Issy A.C., Castania V.A., Salmon C.E., Nogueira-Barbosa M.H., Guimaraes F.S., Defino H.L., Del Bel E.: Protective effects of cannabidiol on lesion-induced intervertebral disc degeneration. PLoS One: 2014, 9 (12), 113161.
6 Gamble L.J., Boesch J.M., Frye C.W., Schwark W.S., Mann S., Wolfe L., Brown H., Berthelsen E.S., Wakshlag J.J.: Pharmacokinetics, safety, and clinical efficacy of cannabidiol treatment in osteoarthritic dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2018, 5, 1-9.
7 Blessing E.M., Steenkamp M.M., Manzanares J., Marmar C.R.: Cannabidiol as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders. Neurotherapeutics, 2015, 12 (4), 825-36.
8. https://www.leafly.ca
9. Bergamaschi M.M., Queiroz R.H.C., José Alexandre S.J., Crippa J.A.S., Zuardi A.W. Safety and side effects of cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent. Current Drug Safety, 2011, 6, 1.
- Brand: KUKO by Yango
- GTIN: 5904194064129
Skład: olej MCT, DL-α-tokoferol (witamina E), zimnotłoczony olej z konopi włóknistych zawierający naturalnie występujące fitoskładniki, naturalny aromat kaczki.
Składniki analityczne: białko surowe <0,20%, popiół surowy <0,02%, tłuszcz surowy >90%, włókno surowe <0,70%, wilgotność 0,33%.
Ostrzeżenie: Dzienna dawka CBD nie powinna przekraczać 2 mg/kg masy ciała.
Warunki przechowywania: Przechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu, w temperaturze poniżej 25°C. Chronić od światła, ciepła i wilgoci. Po otwarciu zużyć w ciągu 30 dni.
Podmiot odpowiedzialny :
Yango sp. z o.o.
ul. Granitowa 3/14
02-681 Warszawa
Numer zatwierdzenia zakładu: PL14654583p
Numer zatwierdzenia zakładu producenta: PL1432834p
Infolinia konsumencka: +48 731 005 507